Welcome to Jill and Jane’s Arizona Sightseeing Blog

Hey there and welcome to our newly-fledged blog about sightseeing in Arizona. We are very excited to present to you our current home state. We are confident that Arizona’s majestic scenery, beautiful nature, and historical landmarks will charm you. Besides, there are quite a few modern sights and attractions well deserving of your attention.

However, before we go any further, let us introduce ourselves. We are Jill and Jane, university students from Arizona. Read below to learn more personal details about us and find out why we started this blog.

Jill: Falling in Love with the Beauty of Arizona

Born and raised in Utah, Jill came to Arizona when she was accepted to one of the most prominent universities in the state. Initially, Jill was absorbed by college life and did not think much of her new state.

As her first year at the university flew by, Jill found herself in the position to look for a summer job to support her studies. Chance led her to become an office assistant at a local tourist agency that mostly organized sightseeing trips around Arizona.

This is how Jill quickly became familiar with the most popular tourist destinations across the state. What is more, she also discovered little-known, yet fascinating places in Arizona that are well worth the time to visit and relish.

Suddenly, being an office assistant no longer suited Jill. She found becoming a tourist guide seemed like the perfect vocation for her. Jill underwent the relevant training and got certified within months.

At present, when she is not busy with her studies at the university, Jill leads sightseeing tours all across Arizona. She often makes her own itineraries and takes large tourist groups on the most incredible adventures showing them the magic and mystery of Arizona.

Jane: A Native American in Love with Her State

Jane is a Native American from the Navajo people. She was born and raised in Arizona, very near to Jill’s university. Jane had never traveled outside the state of Arizona until she got admitted to college.

Soon after that happened, her desire to see the world quickly surfaced. Jane got into an exchange program in Europe for an entire semester. Upon returning to Arizona, she used every possible occasion to travel outside her home state and get to know the world and its beauty.

When she was at the end of her junior year at college, Jane met Jill in one of her classes. They clicked right away and became friends. One day, Jill took Jane to the tourist agency where she works. Jane was impressed with Jill’s work and wanted to find out more about it.

That is how Jill decided to take Jane on a few of her work trips as a tourist guide, which turned out to be a transformative experience.

Jane found out that her home state of Arizona is just as impressive as the rest of the whole wide world. This discovery made her want to tell everybody about how amazing Arizona is. Jane quickly began her own training as a tourist guide and is currently on her way towards certification.

Meanwhile, she just could not stand still and convinced Jill to start this blog about sightseeing in Arizona. Its goal is to present every corner of this breathtaking state in the true light that it deserves.

To learn more about the contents of the blog, you can visit our Welcome page. In the meantime, we hope you have a pleasant time browsing our pages. We also hope you share our perception of Arizona and its uniqueness and have a blast discovering the local sightseeing opportunities.